Love is the Key to change your Life
Love is Your Birthright… your Gift. Love is waiting for you. First it comes through your heart, for yourself, then you will recognize it in all your surroundings, in all your relationships and have a life that is fulfilling on every level.
You are ready to open to MORE
- More love
- More joy
- More happiness
- More prosperity
- More health
- More of whatever your hearts are desiring
You are ready to be FREE
- Free to be happy
- Free to experience the joys of life
- Free to accept the gifts they have always denied themselves
- Free to say YES to LIFE and all its gifts
- Free to experience love in whatever level you are ready to accept
I will show you the WAY, which God has written deep in your heart.
- The way to receive Love
- The way to live Love
- The way to be in the Now Perfect Moment of Love
And I will show you
- how to unlock closed doors in your heart
- how you receive your own guidance
- how to listen to your Heart’s Desire
- how to experiencing the Magic of Love.
I have been counseling/coaching since 1986. I am always amazed at the gifts that come to a session even if it is one session it is always very powerful.
I have been blessed to observe the changes that have come to those who are sent to me. Yes I believe anyone who comes to me are sent or come because they are ready to experience the next step in their lives.
How is this done?
From your Questions I will see your concern in the moment. Then through numerology, using your birthday, the one before me will gain a fuller understanding of who they are.
For many have been living the life of someone else’s dream, many have not truly lived fully their life’s path… living only a fragment of who they truly are…
Numerology tells you who you are… and also shows the way…puts you back on tract
From the Numerology and from your questions the answers and tools are given
Fully anyone who sits with me or those that I coach through email, web cam or telephone will also experience the Angelic presence of my guides and also your own… many times even channeled messages come through
No two sessions are the same for I am always in the MOMENT and connected with what is to be given to the Light that sits in my presence…
For sure you will receive your message that will leave you full of Love and Empowered to continue your journey with sure direction and understanding so you can choose Love in Every Moment …
Truly a gift in your every Moment of Love.
Full Name Chart with Personal Year forecast plus personal days,
with one hour personal guidance with 5 questions answered regarding Personal
goals or desires also to help clear any blocks. An Appointment will be made for an on the phone coaching session, OR we will set up a session on line that is convenient for you, you choose how you would like this done. Thanks to the internet I am available to counsel anywhere on the planet. $80.00
Send your full name at birth and birthday to, your phone number or email. I will contact you to set up an appointment. Confirmation will be made via email with an invoice via PayPal.
Surely this Moment of love will move you to a joyful Blessed place.