
Celebrate Your Body

How wonderful our body is. Have you loved your body today? Have you said thank you to your body for being with you through thick and thin? Do you take your body for granted? If you have not no wonderer the body slows down, shows pain creates age. The body wants to celebrate and you are boring it to death.

Celebrate with your Body

Try this for a change, have a Joyful Celebration in the body, with the body. The body is not just cloth that is to be discarded, it is conscious, alive and only creates disease because the body it not being loved, honored and respected, the body is being used as a vehicle that one keeps to clean, to show. Most are keeping it healthy only to be able to use it on earthly journey. Expecting it to be discarded, no wonder the body shuts down and cries in pain.

The body is a universe

The body is a universe, a conscious universe, that through boredom and neglect. Even if one feeds it the “right things” do the “right things” the body shuts down when it is not being loved cherished and honored. Point of reference, the runner who drops with a heart attack who has done all the “right things” and still drops, the person who eats all the right foods out of fear, and takes the right vitamins and still looks like they are unhealthy, although they speak the most flowing words of truth, they sometime look as if they are one foot in the grave. Why? The body is not being loved, and is not feeling joy, not being joyfully used, no wonder the body cries and it is shouting in pain and shutting down.

I know I know you are saying I am celebrating, I live on Maui, I have the most wonderful sunsets in the world, I have the most wonderful Ohana, I am celebrating.

If you are complaining

Yes, Yes to all of that. However, if  you are complaining, focusing on what is wrong, judging, everything and everyone, criticizing and constantly telling yourself things like i am in pain, I am tired, I use to be able to, and eating just to eat, If you are doing less, fearing more and you find that you are closing yourself in more, you are not celebrating life. When you wake up in the morning and hear the birds singing, taking that first breath in awareness, are your thoughts on gratitude? Do you wake up in pain? Did you touch that part of your body that cried for love and criticize it, or think i am in pain, or did you send love to that pain, did you touch that pain and tell your body you loved it.

My Journey

This is my journey. When I was divorcing and lived alone in my studio. There was a time when I woke up in pain and felt so much pain all over my body. I then became aware of my body and realized she was complaining to me. I went into a meditation and I felt her love, I had an inner knowing that I had neglected her and had forgotten to live, had forgotten to rejoice and I made a promise to her that I would start living start rejoicing. I knew she was upset because I had stopped dancing, dancing is my greatest pleasure, my greatest joy and we(my body and I) had had many moments of great Joyful Celebration. From that moment on we began our journey of self love and celebration, slowly but surely for I had forgotten how to play. She constantly reminds me when I break my promise and we then begin to play. My every moment now becomes that of so much LIFE that sometimes I have to stand back in awe and wonder.